অডেস্ক কি ?
অডেস্ক একটি অনলাইন স্থান যেখানে অস্থায়ী কর্মীগণ তাদের রিজিউম, পর্টফোলিও বা জীবন বৃত্তান্ত পোস্ট করেন আর কর্মদাতারা তাদের পছন্দমত কর্মী খুজেঁ নেন। অডেস্কে অনেকগুলো কর্মক্ষেত্র রয়েছে। যেমনঃ-ডাটা এন্ট্রি থেকে শুরু করে গ্রাফিকস্ ডিজাইন, ভার্চুয়াল সহযোগী থেকে শুরু করে প্রজেক্ট ম্যানেজার আর ওয়েবসাইট নির্মাতা থেকে শুরু করে ক্রিয়েটিভ মিডিয়ার কাজ ইত্যাদি। তুমি যা-ই করতে পারো, তুমি এ মাধ্যমে এসে ফ্রী-তে জয়েন করে কাজ শুরু করে দিতে পারো।
What is oDesk?

Getting started
After checking out the site, I quickly googled them and I found a lot of reviews. I went to read a negative review about odesk and found that odesk really works and you can build great online career as well as a nice income opportunity. After that I signed up for odesk and created my work profile.
How it works?
Signing up for odesk is free of cost and for buyers, they can sign up and post their job for free. At odesk, you have to search for different jobs, apply and wait if your buyer hires you. Buyers can also search for providers in the marketplace.
Job types: Fixed price and Hourly

Hourly job means you will be paid on per hour basis. For this, you have to download oDesk team application and install it on your computer. When you get an hourly job, you can then log in using the app and log your work hours. The app will take one screen shot of your desktop every 10 minutes and keep the record of your activity. This way your buyers can track your work progress. Hourly jobs are better because the payment is guaranteed and it will be added on your overall career.
Building your profile

Getting a job on odesk

Think hard.. put a few work examples on your portfolio, pass a few more relevant tests, upload a good bio photo and add more details on your profile.
Your first impression is the cover letter, write something great when you apply for a job. Try to start a job letter from scratch. Put some work examples, give them a few methods to get in touch with you, give them a reason why they will hire you?
People spent more and more months on odesk but don’t get their first jobs. Most people spend more then 6 months jobless. I’ve applied for many jobs but no results.. until I got my first assignment on odesk :)
Why odesk?

Odesk have some of the great features for a provider; they pay weekly through all of the major payment methods including paypal, payoneer debit mastercard, moneybrookers and others. They have a great reputation and a bigger marketplace.
It’s better to use odesk as your default portfolio; it’s easier to manage, update and even better to get work.
Few tips for new providers
- Don’t ever think that there’s a lot of competition in odesk. When you apply for a job, believe that you are the best among others. There’s always new opportunities and lot more work than actual providers, so be on it.
- Try to be on all of the major communication methods such as yahoo messenger, google talk, AIM, skype and email to make sure the buyer can reach you when they need.
- Try to provide a solution to your buyer and if you are unable to do it, don’t keep them hanging.
- Look for the solution and only solution.. not for the money. In your freelance career, the feedback is the most important thing to achieve.
- Don’t set a low price on your profile; try to keep it competitive and few dollars low if you are getting started.
- Keep connect with your buyer and send them work updates regularly.
- It’s a good thing to build up a friendship with the buyer.. it will result further trust and work opportunities in the future.
- If you have enough tasks in hand, don’t apply for more work.
- It’s possible to work even more hours for more money, but please do take breaks and day offs.
- Increase your hourly wage over time as you work more and gathered more reputation.
Receive money in Bangladesh with the Payoneer prepaid debit Mastercard from oDesk
What is the Payoneer prepaid debit mastercard?
It’s just like any other credit cards, it’s physical card (not virtual), it operates like any other plastic card, it’s prepaid (debit card) and you don’t need any bank account to have it. It’s linked to your odesk profile and can withdraw your odesk earnings to the debit card.
How to apply for odesk Mastercard?
Go to the payment methods in odesk and click to sign up for: oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer. Submit your user details, fill up the form correctly and then you have to submit a security document. 2nd address is the address where payoneer will send you the mastercard. You can use the same as your billing address or can use your prefered shipping address. On the 3rd part of the form, you will be asked to enter your passport number/ drivers license/ number of the national ID card (voter ID card)
After submitting the application, payoneer will verify your details and will determine if you are eligible to receive the oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer.
Once your applicatin gets approved, they will send you the card through regular postal mail.
Frequently Asked Questions
There’s a lot of goofs about the odesk Payoneer debit mastercard here in Bangladesh.. I saw a lot of threads in forums about this topic, so here’s a FAQ sheet I have produced,
A: Yes you can apply even without earning from odesk, but I don’t think Payoneer will approve your application because the only benefit they are getting is the monthly charge from your account. If there’s no earnings, it’s worthless to have the mastercard.
A: Yes you can and there are more than 2000 providers working from BD at odesk.
A: The odesk debit card will be sent to your address through regular mail (not any express mail service like FedEx or UPS) and it will take 20-25 days to arrive to your address in Bangladesh.
A: Minimum withdrawal amount to your debit card from odesk is $20 and fee is $2 per withdrawal. $3 is the monthly charge from your debit card. Read more details here about payoneer mastercard charges and fees.
A: You can use any ATM in Bangladesh to withdraw money with your debit card. The oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer supports most of the ATM’s near your area including Dutch Bangla Bank DBBL ATM booths. In Dhaka, there are lots of ATM’s available to withdraw money.
A: Yes you can.
A: If you earn that much amount each week, then it won’t bother you to pay the charges. At least you are receiving a great quality service for such low fees.
Any more questions?
Then please let me know through the comments

It’s just like any other credit cards, it’s physical card (not virtual), it operates like any other plastic card, it’s prepaid (debit card) and you don’t need any bank account to have it. It’s linked to your odesk profile and can withdraw your odesk earnings to the debit card.
How to apply for odesk Mastercard?

After submitting the application, payoneer will verify your details and will determine if you are eligible to receive the oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer.
Once your applicatin gets approved, they will send you the card through regular postal mail.
Frequently Asked Questions
There’s a lot of goofs about the odesk Payoneer debit mastercard here in Bangladesh.. I saw a lot of threads in forums about this topic, so here’s a FAQ sheet I have produced,
- Q: Can I apply for the oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer before earning/ getting a job from odesk?

A: Yes you can apply even without earning from odesk, but I don’t think Payoneer will approve your application because the only benefit they are getting is the monthly charge from your account. If there’s no earnings, it’s worthless to have the mastercard.
- Q: Can I apply and receive the oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer from Bangladesh?
A: Yes you can and there are more than 2000 providers working from BD at odesk.
- Q: How long will it take to receive oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer in Bangladesh?
A: The odesk debit card will be sent to your address through regular mail (not any express mail service like FedEx or UPS) and it will take 20-25 days to arrive to your address in Bangladesh.
- Q: What are the withdrawal & monthly charges of oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer?
A: Minimum withdrawal amount to your debit card from odesk is $20 and fee is $2 per withdrawal. $3 is the monthly charge from your debit card. Read more details here about payoneer mastercard charges and fees.
- Q: Where can I find an ATM to withdraw money with oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer in Bangladesh?
A: You can use any ATM in Bangladesh to withdraw money with your debit card. The oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer supports most of the ATM’s near your area including Dutch Bangla Bank DBBL ATM booths. In Dhaka, there are lots of ATM’s available to withdraw money.
- Q: Can I use oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer to purchase online/ pay for services on the internet?
A: Yes you can.
- Q: Isn’t the fees and charges of oDesk Debit MasterCard powered by payoneer are higher?
A: If you earn that much amount each week, then it won’t bother you to pay the charges. At least you are receiving a great quality service for such low fees.
Any more questions?
Then please let me know through the comments